So what have I planned...
1. I have talked to a student in theater who will be running the sound and lighting for the theater. I have requested 3 wireless microphones.
2. I have talked to our technology person and asked him about being able to plug in a laptop on stage and have it project onto the screen behind the students. In order to do this, I need to borrow a school laptop, a VGA cable, and an onstage portable speaker.
3. I need to purchase a remote mouse, extension cords, and power strips. I was looking at circular red rugs, but they are expensive and I might hold off on that.
4. I will be bringing a flex cam so that students who have a product can present their product on stage through the laptop. Again, I asked our technology person if he had a USB male-female extension cord.
So who have I contacted...
1. I sent an email invitation to the assistant superintendents.
2. Administration
3. Staff
4. The local Newspaper- The Signal
5. Parents (Flyer is being sent home with the students)
My next steps are to plan the layout of the cafeteria and theater foyer. I have the specifications of each location, along with the lengths of the rectangular tables that I will need. I also need to do a "dry run" of the sound and video in the theater. Nothing would be more frustrating if technology did not work.
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